Thursday, November 20, 2014

10 Years

November 14th......................................................

It is a day I dread every year!  This past week marked 10 years since my dad passed away.  They say it gets easier with every passing day and year.  While that might hold true as far as the tears flow and the anguish you may feel - the emptiness and longing for that person never gets easier.

Gosh I miss this man!  He was my rock, my person, my protector, my world....................

In honor of him, my sister and I engaged in a game of Dominos (one of his favs) when I went to visit her a couple of weeks ago.  My dad was the Dominos KING!  Seriously!  It brought back so many memories of us sitting around our kitchen table laughing, making jokes and trash talking.

Artwork - Lottie & Stella

Because you can't keep everything................

Here's a look at Lottie and Stella's latest creations!

LOTTIE / STELLA - Combined artwork from their easel at home


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Firsts - Lottie Ice Skates!


There is something so special about being able to experience "firsts" with your kids.  Whether that be their first swing at the park, the first time they met Santa, the first time they used the potty, etc.  I could go on for days because at some point in their lives, everything they experience is a first. 

A couple of weeks ago, Lottie and I went to my sister's niece, Bella's birthday party at Pineville Ice House.  I can remember my parents dropping me off with my girlfriends when it first opened.  We must have been 13 or 14.  I honestly had no idea the place still existed. 

It has been awhile since I've ice skated.  I think the last time must have been when I went skiing in Colorado.  That was pre Lottie so I think it's safe to say, I was a tad bit rusty.

Lottie was super excited about skating!  She couldn't wait to get those skates on and get on the rink.  I rented a helmet for her so she didn't crack her skull open.  After we got our skates on and stepped our feet on the ice, you could tell she was a little nervous.  In fact, for the first 30 minutes I backward skated and held both of her hands to try to make her feel more comfortable.  Before you even say it, NO I DON'T BACKWARD SKATE!  But I will go on record and say that back in the day (maybe I was 10) I took a summer of ice skating lessons. 

After every lap around the rink, I told her that we were going to skate side by side and for her to hold the hand I wasn't holding out to help her balance.  Sure enough, after a few more laps, I was no longer backward skating.  She got it!!!  Sure we fell a few times and she may have fussed at me a few times for pulling her arms to hard, but in the end, we had an absolute ball!!! 

Before it was time to go, she even stopped holding my hand and skated for a few minutes by herself.  Proud mama to say the least.  This little trip was so encouraging!  I can't wait to get Lottie on skis in the next year or two! 

Aunt Amy and Carter met us there.  I swear Lottie skated better than Aunt Amy.  My sister had me cracking up!  It must have taken her 30 minutes to do one lap!  Hilarious!

Aunt Amy holding on to the wall!  :)

My sweet nephew and I hung while Lottie took Amy around the rink!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Lottie & Stella's Fall Festival

The girls had their annual fall festival at their "school" a couple of weeks ago.  They were pumped up to play games and get treats from all their teachers.  Lottie even won herself some cupcakes during the cake walk.

It was also the first time the girls got to put their costumes on.  I swear I don't think I've ever seen a cuter Minnie Mouse before.  Stella really fought me on the ears, but after bribing her with a sucker, she soon changed her tune! 

Stella has never really experienced "candy" before.  I think she absolutely lost her mind with excitement.  I finally had to hide the plastic pumpkin filled with candy last night.  When she sees it, she literally starts trying to climb the cabinets / chairs, whatever is in her way to get to it. 

Lottie originally wanted to be Elsa from Frozen, but in the end changed her mind and decided to be Anna.  Her wig cracked me up! 

Of course Stella got Lottie's hand me down costume from last year.  Poor kid!  Everything Stella wears is hand me downs. 

Stella's Favorite Teacher - Ms. Sharon